My Favorite Thing About Mia Quinn

DBcoverHave you met Mia Quinn yet? If not, allow me to give you a little introduction: Mia is a prosecutor in Seattle, she has two kids, her husband tragically died in a car accident, and in the first Mia Quinn novel, “A Matter of Trust”, you’ll find her struggling with the reality of being a single working mother.

My favorite thing about Mia is that she is not perfect. In fact, she is far from the picture of perfection. She makes what she would consider mistakes on a daily basis, she falls short sometimes, she struggles, and she doesn’t always know what the right thing to do is. But she’s real. That’s the best thing about her. She faces the same problems we all do.

And that was my intention when I created Mia. I wanted a character that was relatable not just for you, but for me, too. Mia is largely inspired by the balancing act I find myself in on a daily basis, with both a family and a career that I love. My only hope, much like Mia, is that with each passing day, I find a way to juggle it all with a little bit of grace.

In the second Mia Quinn novel, “A Deadly Business”, Mia continues to face the same challenges. She’s still working hard to make the right decisions at work and she’s still striving to do her best for her two kids. With that said, Mia is in for quite a ride, as she’s going to learn new information about the death of her husband. Was it really an accident? And was he involved with criminals?  I hope you’ll join Mia in uncovering the truth!

For those of you who know Mia, what is your favorite thing about her?


Don’t forget to pre-order the eBook version of “A Deadly Business” now. You can get it for just $7.99!

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